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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for


Proficient Reading: 24%


Distinguished Reading: 11%


Proficient Math: 28%


Distinguished Math: 7%



Proficient Reading: 27%


Distinguished Reading: 20%


Proficient Math: 24%


Distinguished Math: 18%



Proficient Reading: 30%


Distinguished Reading: 15%


Proficient Math: 23%


Distinguished Math: 10%


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Danville Independent Schools

About Us

Families First

Family Resource Center 859-936-8564 

The Families First main office is located at

Edna L. Toliver Intermediate School

209 Maple Ave.


The mission of Kentucky's Family Resource and Youth Service Centers is to provide support and resources to families while enhancing students' ability to succeed in school by developing and sustaining partnerships that promote:

  • Early learning and successful transition to school
  • Academic achievement and well-being
  • Graduation and transition into adult life
Schools Served

Mary G. Hogsett Primary School

 300 Waveland Ave.

Danville, KY 40422

Edna L. Toliver Intermediate School

209 Maple Ave.

Danville, KY 40422