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2023-2024 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for


Proficient Reading: 25%


Distinguished Reading: 11%


Proficient Math: 27%


Distinguished Math: 9%



Proficient Reading: 26%


Distinguished Reading: 23%


Proficient Math: 29%


Distinguished Math: 13%



Proficient Reading: 19%


Distinguished Reading: 7%


Proficient Math: 20%


Distinguished Math: 2%


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Danville Independent Schools

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The Danville Independent Schools District Nutrition and Physical Activity Report Card for the 2022-23 school year reflects that during the 2021-22 school year and through the Summer Feeding Program, the district provided approximately 370,552 total meals to children. This does not include the additional 5,749 after-school snacks served. 

Food Service Director Tammy Lynn presented this information to the Board of Education on Monday evening, and the Nutrition and Physical Activity Report Card is available at 

“Our schools really work to get our numbers up to feed our kids, and I know some of the cafeterias are also going out to the hallways and serving our kids breakfast,” Lynn said. 

Under the School Food Service Program, cafeteria staff at the four schools in the district served 227,415 lunches, 131,363 breakfasts, and 5,749 after-school snacks. Snacks are provided to students during after-school care programs. 

Additionally, through the Summer Feeding Program, which provides free meals to any child 18 years of age or under in the community, the DISD served 3,987 breakfasts, 7,592 lunches and 195 suppers at 13 participating locations. 

“Thirteen locations are accessible,” Board Member Esther Rugerio said during the meeting. “We appreciate that.” 

The board and Superintendent Greg Ross applauded Lynn and the cafeteria staff’s work.

“Ms. Lynn does a phenomenal job managing the team, keeping it staffed,” Ross said. “I really can’t say enough.”

Board Member Glenn Ball, who is current acting board chair, said,  “I do remember during the pandemic, the lunch rooms were busy getting boxed lunches to all the students .. you were doing things on the fly, but it got accomplished … I applaud your efforts in getting students fed and taken care of.” 

Also in the report, Lynn shared that students on the primary and intermediate levels get daily structured recess, the district provides intramural physical activity opportunities, and all schools in the district have credentialed physical education teachers. 

In other business, the board: 

  • Viewed a board of education appreciation video featuring students from Edna L. Toliver Intermediate School created for School Board Recognition Month.
  • Listened to a presentation from Mary G. Hogsett Primary School students in Brooke Grigsby’s first grade class about projects they created to learn about birds.
  • Approved the creation of an instructional assistant position in a special education classroom at Mary G. Hogsett Primary School, based on need, for the rest of the current school year, to be paid out of IDEA American Rescue Plan Funds. 
  • Danville Independent Schools
  • disd
  • food service
  • meals
  • school food service program
  • summer feeding program