Due to the severity of the damage at Admiral Stadium, the Danville High School football team will be playing their last three home games of the season at Centre College’s Joe McDaniel Field at Andy Frye Stadium.
In previous communications, the Danville Independent School District has explained that there was a lighting issue at Admiral Stadium caused by a water leak. A main electrical line was damaged by a surrounding water line.
The district has worked diligently to consider options on how to handle home games for the remainder of the season, and has weighed the cost difference to make the repair at this point in time or to use Centre’s field.
The cost for a temporary fix to the main electrical line would have been $25,000, compared to the $4,001 total cost to host five home games on Centre’s field. Centre generously charged the district only $1 to host the Whitaker Bank Pigskin Classic on their field.
Moving forward in a planned renovation project for the stadium, the $25,000 temporary fix will not be used. Instead, there will be a more long-term solution.
An established building fund that will be possible with the district’s new tax rate levy for the fiscal year will make many potential renovations and repairs possible at Admiral Stadium. These projects will begin as early as this fall.
The improvements and renovations include several phases.
Phase one will include utility-saving projects, with electrical, lighting and plumbing improvements to be completed prior to the 2025 football season.
“The utility-saving projects may qualify for energy savings, allowing us to bond them without using general funds or building bonding dollars, as the projects will pay for themselves in utility cost savings,” said Superintendent Ron Ballard.
Phase two will include improvements to restrooms, concession stands, press box and a few decorative changes, with a goal for completion prior to the 2026 football season. Other possible enhancements could include an addition of a field house.
These are very necessary improvements, especially considering the impact that stadium damages have had on this football season, and the fact that the stadium hasn’t had a major renovation since the 1970s.
The district is grateful for continued community support for the Admirals this season. Tickets to games can be purchased on the GoFan website.