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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for


Proficient Reading: 24%


Distinguished Reading: 11%


Proficient Math: 28%


Distinguished Math: 7%



Proficient Reading: 27%


Distinguished Reading: 20%


Proficient Math: 24%


Distinguished Math: 18%



Proficient Reading: 30%


Distinguished Reading: 15%


Proficient Math: 23%


Distinguished Math: 10%


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Danville Independent Schools

Board of Education Information

What we do:

Our board members are committed to being good stewards of the district's resources.  They put the needs of students first and help all succeed.  Board members are elected to four-year terms.  They determine district-wide policies, priorities, direction, and spending.

To reach all Board Members, you can email:

Esther Rugerio, Board Chair
Esther rugerio
Dr. Jennifer Pusateri, Board Vice Chair
Jennifer Pusateri
Glenn Ball, Board Member
Steve Becker, Board Member
Steve Becker
Leigh Ranson, Board Member
Leigh Ranson
Ron Ballard, Superintendent
Ron Ballard


For a list of Central Office directors, please click here.